Tuesday, February 5, 2013


From: Dallas/ Ft worth                                                                     Ron Taylor

After seven albums, seventeen years of touring the US, Europe and Japan, good times, bad times, excitement, heartbreaks, great friends, bus breakdowns, mental breakdowns, awesome shows and music industry madness, Lillian Axe singer Ron Taylor and bassist Darrin Delatte knew it was time to walk away from the crazy life of a touring recording band and go home with a new priority in life; family.

Coming back home to their families, the guys never intended to stop making music, and spent the next year or so playing in bands around Dallas, but always struggling to assemble that perfect “band”.

The two decided they wanted to step away from the band setting and start concentrating their efforts on writing music. It was during this time that Darrin made the transition from bass to lead guitar so he picked up an acoustic guitar and the guys focused solely on writing. They used home recording gear and set out to write and record any and everything that came out of them, drawing inspiration from their own experiences and surroundings. For once, the guys didn’t feel the pressure to please a record company or anyone but themselves, they were doing it for fun. After time, they decided to book some gigs as an acoustic duo Taylor/Delatte which gave Darrin invaluable experience playing guitar on stage for the first time. It was this time of artistic focus, inspiration and determination that was the turning point where the Lowside sound was born.

After a year or so of doing the acoustic gig, the guys put a band together, recorded a 3 song demo and started playing shows around the area as Lowside, but soon found themselves spinning their wheels again. Recognizing the potential of the songs, they agreed it was time stop focusing on live shows and make the commitment to get into the studio and finally record a Lowside CD.">They teamed up with old friend Sterling Winfield (Pantera, Damageplan, Hellyeah) to co-produce the CD with them and within a few weeks, drum and bass tracks were being laid down and the Lowside CD was well on it’s way. After completing drum and bass tracks at Nomad Studios, the guys moved to Skyline Studios in Dallas to track guitars and vocals, all the while, Sterling was working to complete his own studio, Boot Hill Studios inside his home. Soon after starting vocals at Skyline, Sterling’s studio was ready to go, so the guys moved to Boot Hill where they spent the next year completing vocals and finally the mixing of the CD. The guys topped it all off by recruiting hard rock icon Maor Appelbaum to master the CD and the final result is quite a departure from anything the guys have done in the past, with a heavier, straight forward, hard rock style.
New Years Day 2013 finally brought the release of Lowside’s debut CD which is now available at Lowside.net and all digital download outlets.
Ron Taylor: Singer
Darren DeLatte: Guitar
Craig Cowsert: Bass
Mel Bittick: Drums

This or that, Get to Know Ya!
1.  P.C. or Mac?
2.  Dine in or take out?
3.  Guitar or Drum solo?
4.  Go back in time or into the future?
5.  What would you do if you had a million $’s cash on you?
6.  Tom or Jerry?
7.  What would we find in you fridge?

1.  Looks like you spent all of December in the studio or studios, can you run us through the process?
2.  Ron what made you decide to get back on the Rock n Roll Train?
3.  Darren and Ron are obvious, but how did you hook up with Craig and Mel?
4.  You Guys left Lillian Because the constant touring and recording wasn’t working with what you truly love more...your families correct?  How did you go about breaking the news to the band?
5. One thing I have noticed about Lillian Axe is not only are you Great musicians but great People! We have had Steve Blaze on our show and he was just great to us, then I had the chance to meet him in person at Rocklahoma and he was even better to us! I’ve been talking to you Ron quite a bit this week and it seems you are exactly the same way. Do you think some of your success is directly related to the way you treat others and don’t come off as arrogant “ROCKSTARS”?
6.  Tell us where to get the LOWSIDE CD and tell us all about your upcoming shows
7.  Do you have any plans to tour locally maybe in the 3 surrounding states of Texas?  

Randy Norris
BleachBANGS Radio

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